Sunday, January 30, 2011

Question: What does mindful living do for you?

Answer: Living with awareness to think, speak and act with compassion and wisdom bringing joy to yourself and others in the morning and reduceing suffering in the afternoon.

How: you can do one or all of the following:
- Sit and just focus on the breathings. I have found this would help me calm my body and mind, to connect to my true self, my subconscious level of thinking.
- Sit and breathe slowly with awareness. This has helped me to gain concentration and wisdom.
- If you don't have time for a long period of sitting meditation, whenever you have a chance just sit, close your eyes, breathe slowly and scan your body with your mind-eyes from head to toe (Focus on top of your head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, the whole face, neck, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, hands - all the way to the finger tips, chest, stomach area, hips, thighs, knees, calves, ankles and feet - to the tips of your toes and bottom of your feet.

You will see your body can relax from doing these simple actions.

- Then just feel your heart Breathe and be aware at the center of your chest, feel the gentleness and loving kindness in you spreading out from the center of your chest throughout your whole body and mind.

May you be safe, healthy, joyful and prosperous in the New Year.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

'Hatred can never be ceased by hatred.
Hatred can only be ceased by love.'
This ultimate truth that was taught to us over 2500 years ago by an Awakened Being (the Buddha) has helped heal people's hearts over centuries. This was taught again to the Cambodian people by the respected venerable Maha Ghosanada after millions of Cambodians were killed by their own people, the Khmer Rouge.
If the Cambodians can heal their past with loving kindness and compassion, so can we.
May the Compassion in us rise every moment of our daily life.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cultivating compassion.
Cultivating loving kindness.
When we can focus on cultivating compassion and loving kindness in ourselves we will be able to create peace, joy and happiness in us and people around us.
We will be able to 'offer joy in the morning and reduce suffering in the afternoon' for ourselves and others.
'Peace in oneself, Peace in the world.'
Building peace through Compassion, Loving kindness, Joy and Equanimity (the four Immeasurable minds - the teaching of the Buddha)
May you be at peace.
May the Bell of Awakening ring in your heart.

Note: phrases in 'quotes' are from the Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ask yourself
'How can I be happy?'
'How can I love all more?'
'How can I be of service?'
Ask in calmness -with breathing-and let your subconscious go to work. Don't need to answer with your analytical mind. Answers will come during the day. You will have a fruitful life